Fall 2024 Campus Connection

Check out what's been happening with the Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) this fall. 

Partnership Survey Results

In May of this year, we circulated our community partner survey to learn more about the experiences that community-based partnering organizations have working with CCE and WSU students as volunteers.

We received 77 responses to our survey and are so thankful for those who took the time to give us feedback. It is essential to the work that we do. Stay tuned for the full report.


This year, the survey included the following open-ended question: “in your words, what impact did WSU volunteers have on your organization and work?” The results highlighted five different themes of partnership outcomes:

  • Capacity building
  • Skills and expertise
  • Building connections and relationships
  • Support for specific programs
  • Positive energy and enthusiasm

CCE All-Staff Training Volunteer Projects

Thank you to Palouse Habitat for HumanityKenworthy TheatrePalouse Land Trust, and Boost Collaborative for providing awesome volunteer opportunities!

CCE staff did some team-building in preparation for the new school year and were excited to get involved with these impactful community organizations.

New CCE Staff Member Welcome

This fall, we welcomed Allison Rockwell to the CCE as our new Service-Learning Coordinator. Allison brings a wealth of experience as a former middle school science teacher and curriculum writer with Hampton City Schools, Virginia, and an assistant professor of education at Old Dominion University.

A Whitman County native, she is thrilled to return to the Palouse, where she will work with faculty, students, and community partners to enhance student learning through civic engagement.

Partnership Highlights

Nonprofit Coffee Chat

Palouse-area organizations — join us during an interactive grant writing panel on the morning of December 11 for the quarterly Nonprofit Chat in partnership with the Pullman Chamber of Commerce and Nonprofit Association of Washington. More details will be provided soon.

Nonprofit Coffe Chat on December 11.

Campus Community Forum

Save the date! On November 14, we will be holding the annual Campus Community Forum. The program this year will focus on the theme “Values-Based Leadership When We Need It Most.”

WSU Pullman Greek Week

Each spring, the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic chapters here at WSU host a week of games, service, and fundraising with the goal of unity and growing bonds closer. This last spring, chapter members participated in blood drives, held a book drive for the Neill Public Library, and wrote letters to the elderly for their service.

To determine the beneficiary for fundraising, they considered four local organizations and unanimously voted to fundraise on behalf of the Pullman School District. Over the week, more than $10,000 was raised for the Pullman School District through the events, games and competitions.

We plan to support students planning Greek Week in the future to continue their local focus for fundraising and service. Please reach out to us with questions or ideas to propose for this coming spring!

Resources for Community Partners

GivePulse Corner

In our GivePulse network, all WSU campuses, student groups, and service-learning classes have their own group. We use the Event Promotion function to share your work and opportunities with students browsing the platform to find volunteering opportunities.

By affiliating our groups in GivePulse, we are able to easily share any and all events you promote to WSU students, and whenever you create an event we do our best to make sure that gets promoted. Promoting events does two important things:

  • It allows us to display an event directly to a specific group page (e.g., class, fraternity, or sorority).
  • It allows us to display an event at the top of the list/queue.

Having an event — even just one ongoing opportunity pointing interested people to your existing volunteer onboarding system — helps us get your work in front of students looking for opportunities.

Ongoing Tabling Opportunities

PSA for all organizations close to our Pullman campus: if you are interested in tabling on campus in the Compton Union Building (CUB), please email the partnership team at to start the process of reserving a table. This can be done at any time but is dependent on table availability.

For partners located close to any of our other campuses (Tri-Cities, Vancouver, Everett, or Spokane campuses), please reach out if you are interested in exploring similar opportunities at the campus closest to you.