group of students and faculty during HD 205
Faculty & Instructor Resources
Our Academic Program works closely with faculty and instructors to integrate service learning into numerous and diverse courses offered at WSU. We provide various levels of support and resources to faculty and instructors who wish to offer their students a unique experience that includes the many benefits of service-learning.
If you are interested in learning more, or if you would like to consider a community engagement component for your course, research, or scholarship agenda, please contact Jessica Perone at jessica.perone@wsu.edu
The Engaged Scholar Newsletter
Read about the history of service-learning through the Center for Civic Engagement, our community partners, and WSU.
Community-Engaged Scholars
Meet the faculty working closely with CCE to include community engagement in their courses, research, and student success.
What is Service-Learning?
Service-learning is a teaching strategy used to advance academic learning through civic engagement.
Learn more about Service-Learning
The CCE offers support to integrate service-learning and civic engagement components into courses. We work individually with faculty to provide the types and levels of support appropriate for each course. The Center for Civic Engagement has a library of journals and books available for two-week loans in CUB L48.
- Corporation for National and Community Service
- National Campus Compact
- National Service-Learning Clearinghouse
- Washington Campus Compact
- Student Reflection
- Literature Review: Service Learning as a High-Impact Practice