About the Cougar Food Pantry
The Cougar Food Pantry is a fully stocked pantry that provides free food and basic need items to Pullman students experiencing food insecurity. The pantry stocks non-perishable pantry staples that let students create nutritious, filling meals and snacks.
Chancellor's Challenge to Feed Cougs Well
Learn more about the competition running April 3-16 to fight food insecurity at WSU Pullman.
Spring Hours
Tuesday-Friday: 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Hours of operation may vary depending on staff & volunteers availability.
Contact Us
- CUB Ground Floor
- 509-335-0046
- cougar.pantry@wsu.edu
Who's eligible?
The food pantry is open to all current Pullman undergraduate and graduate students who are experiencing food insecurity.
Where is the Cougar Food Pantry?
The food pantry is located on the ground floor of the Compton Union Building near Washington State Employees Credit Union (WSECU) and the entrance to Terrell Library. Information on parking near the CUB is available here.
Not a WSU Pullman student?
Our services are intended for WSU Pullman students. If you are not currently enrolled at WSU Pullman but need food assistance, please use one of the resources below:
- Community Food Bank
- Pullman Child Welfare Food Bank
- Rosario’s Place in the Women*s Center (has childcare items such as diapers in addition to food)
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
We are so appreciative of the greater Coug community with their on-going interest to support the food pantry on the Pullman campus. Donations can be directed to our Division of Student Affairs | WSU Pullman Food Pantries for Students Fund here with an indication that this specific donation is to support the food pantry. We thank you for your continued support and generosity.
Food donations can also be dropped off at the Cougar Food Pantry.
Commonly donated items:
Want to learn more?
We get student input to make sure we are meeting the needs of all Cougs. Learn more about the Cougs Feeding Cougs Student Advisory Board.